Spinal Cord Stimulator. A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is a medical device that is used to treat chronic pain by blocking pain signals before they reach the brain. The device is surgically implanted in the patient's body and sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord to interfere with the transmission of pain signals. The SCS system typically consists of three components: the pulse generator, which is the power source that sends the electrical signals; the leads, which are thin wires that deliver the electrical impulses to the spinal cord; and the programmer, which allows the patient to control the settings of the device. Before the implantation procedure, the patient undergoes a trial period to determine if the device is effective in relieving their pain. During the trial period, a temporary SCS system is implanted under the skin and connected to external leads. If the patient experiences significant pain relief during the trial period, a permanent SCS system can be implanted.
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