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mobile लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Mobile is Bad Habit for Children

  Mobile is Bad Habit for Children 06 Sep 2019 17:01:03 If you are giving a mobile or tablet to your child. Or are you constantly using mobile in front of them? credit: third party image reference Then you should also know the dangers associated with it Do you know Bill Gates, one of the richest personalities in the world, did not give mobile to his children until he was 14 years old. Similarly, Steve Jobs told the New York Times interview in 2011 that he never gave his child credit: third party image reference These two examples are issues so that you know that mobile is not the most important thing in the world. There has also been major research on mobile in the world, Whose consequences are shocking. Children who use Smartphones in any form(Watch video, listen to song). They start speaking late compared to other children. This shocking situation has been revealed in the survey conducted on 900 children for six months to two years. The screen time (mobile usage) of every 30 minutes