Morning walk reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It improves the circulation of blood.
Walk raises the HDL levels which is good cholesterol and lower the
levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) plus it strengthen the heart muscles
and dilates the blood vessels.
• Morning
walk also reduces type 2 diabetes risk. It balances the blood sugar
levels and reduces the weight which can be the contributing factor for
the disease.
• Morning walk improves lung’s breathing capacity. It gives you fresh oxygen which is required for the many bodily functions including the working of lungs.
• Morning walk helps in the management of stress.
Walk promotes the production of hormones which reduces the levels of
stress. It also increases the level of thinking by increasing the supply
of fresh oxygen to the brain and the person can see more positively
about the life.
• Morning walk helps to treat hypertension. It prevents the fat deposition in the walls of blood vessels
and thus maintains the blood pressure of the body. If the fat gets
deposited into the walls of blood vessels then it can narrow the
diameter of the blood vessels and which can raise the blood pressure of
the body.
• Morning
walk is very beneficial for the people suffering from insomnia. 20-30
minutes’ walk after the meals in the night can help to reduce the stress
levels and can also helps in the digestion of the food which in turn
gives you a sound sleep.
• Morning
walk supplies fresh oxygen and blood to each and every cell of the body
which is required for the transport of every nutrient in the body. This
also helps in the better activity of immune system and thus gives the
body a power to fight against infections.
• Studies suggest that walk also helps to reduce the risk of cancer and if someone is already suffering from cancer then it helps in the fast recovery and survival of the person.
• Morning
walk also improves the brain power and this is a scientifically proven
fact now. It gives mental clarity and helps to improve the concentration